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Network Configuration Tests

Learn How to Test Network Configuration for Your CloudBox with our Simple Guide

Dustin avatar
Written by Dustin
Updated over a week ago

Below are several URLs for testing Cloudbox connectivity to identify any potential issues

Media Accessibility Test
On a computer connected to the same network as your Cloudbox can you test this link to see if media is being blocked on your network by trying to play this file from a web browser and let me know if you hear the music?

API Access Test - Tune/Web browser

If access to our API isn't blocked you should see something like :

{"name":"Cloud Cover Music API","version":"6.X.X"}

  • Note: on API2 you must use "https://" in the URL; "http://" requests will be rejected by our server.

If any of the links don't work have your IT department review our firewall, proxy, and content configurations document and confirm the requirements are open.

Blue Cloud Flash Patterns

The Cloudbox has three different flashing Cloud LED patterns. If the Cloud on the top is solid blue it is streaming correctly; if it is blinking could you identify which of the following flash patterns it is indicating?

Flash, flash, pause: This indicates a connectivity issue; the CloudBox is not connected to the network. This is what you are going to see when first setting up a CloudBox, and it hasn’t yet been connected to the internet.

Flash, flash, flash: This is an API request failure. This could be where a firewall is blocking access from the CloudBox to the Cloud Cover Music API.

Long flash, long flash, long flash (about 6 second flashes): This is a media request failure. This is what you are going to see if Media is being blocked on your firewall.

The blue cloud flashing pattern is based on the last request the CloudBox attempted. Because of this you will get the most accurate reading on what the is stopping the CloudBox from connecting after a fresh reboot of the device.

If you're seeing the red LED along with the flash, flash, pause, or the red LED with the flash, flash, flash pattern this typically means your CloudBox is set to a static IP and the settings have changed on your network or they have been entered incorrectly into this box. If you are connecting via DHCP this may mean NTP or our API is blocked.

Is NTP Blocked?

"If you require assistance in confirming whether your CloudBox has access to NTP, please consult this guide: Verifying NTP Access for Your CloudBox: A Step-by-Step Guide

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