To remove a song using the browser if the song has already been played:
Log in to your account
Click on 'Account'
Click the 'Stream History' tab from the left navigation menu
You will see the most recent songs streamed at the location you are currently logged in as, with the date and time. Click the thumbs down button at the right to remove the song permanently from playing again
To remove a song using the browser if the song is currently being played:
Log in to your account
Locate the Player Bar at the bottom of the browser window where the song is playing
Click on the thumbs down icon
To remove a song using the Mobile App:
Click the Remove Songs menu item.
Click the red X button to permanently remove the song from that location.
Song Removal as the Administrator
To remove a song in another zone:
Log in to your account using your Administrator username
Select 'Account' from the top of the page
Select 'Zones' from the left navigation menu
Find the zone which is playing the song you wish to remove and select the thumbs down icon
To remove a song from all locations:
**Please note that you will need to be on the Manage or Messaging Plan to use this feature**
Log in to your account using your Administrator username
Select 'Account' from the top of the page
Select 'Removed Songs' from the left navigation menu
Click the Remove from all locations button.
You can also restore any songs by clicking the Restore button.
Once removed, the song will no longer play, permanently excluded from the music rotation.