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How to Order a CloudBox

Steps to place an order for a CloudBox, our dedicated music streaming player.

Patricia Rains avatar
Written by Patricia Rains
Updated over a year ago
  1. Log in using your Administrator account

  2. Click on 'Account' at the top of your screen

  3. Click on the Order CloudBox tab

  4. Use the drop-down menu to select the Location, (and Zone if applicable) where you wish to use the device

  5. Check your shipping address, your shipping option, and click the box to agree to our Terms. Please note: Your device will be sent to the Location address. If you do not want the CloudBox sent directly to the Location, click the Ship to Corporate Address checkbox, or manually update the address

  6. Click the Order CloudBox button. You will receive email confirmation of your CloudBox order to the email on your account. 

video demonstration of ordering a Cloudbox from the Tune web portal

You will receive tracking information as soon as the CloudBox has shipped. 

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